Innocence is their protection, but as life in the care of pirates reveals its dangers, the events which unfold begin to take on a savagely detached quality. Their parents send them home to England on.

First titled The Innocent Voyage, it concerns a young girl named Emily Bas-Thornton and her four siblings, John, Edward, Laura, and Rachel, whose lives on a Jamaican plantation are interrupted when a hurricane decimates their home. See what’s playing 6. A High Wind in Jamaica is a 1929 novel by Welsh author Richard Hughes. In A High Wind in Jamaica, Captain Jonsen's interactions with the Bas-Thornton children, combined with his acts of piracy, bring about his downfall.

When their ship is captured by pirates, the thrilling cruise continues as the children transfer their affections from one batch of sailors to another. A High Wind in Jamaica (1965) MUBI Beautiful, interesting, incredible cinema.

On the high seas of the Caribbean, a family of English children is set loose - sent by their parents from their home in Jamaica to receive the civilising effects of England. After a calamitous hurricane the Thornton family of Jamaica decides to send their score of unruly children back to England for schooling.